Promo Codes, Discount Vouchers March, 2025

Teleflora with around 8+ decades of experience in the field of delivering flowers has been serving as a bridge between the florists and the customers. In U.S and Canada alone Teleflora has more than 10000 florists and around 20K+ florists outside of North America. These figures itself show how expanded are their services and network.

With our dedicated and passionate customer service and extraordinary florists’ network, you've the best flowers and memories delivered. Customer confidence made us achieve great accolades over the years and their satisfaction with the services rendered left us to where we are today. Teleflora offers a guaranteed satisfied service o every order. Apart from all this, same day delivery and irresistible deals and offers are designed for the best to be experienced by the customers. Promotional Coupon Codes

Who is Teleflora? Services that Teleflora provide:

  • Personally, designed best gifts at affordable price delivered on same day.
  • Network quality program that picks florists with great care based on their expertise, service abilities and reliability.
  • Round the clock customer service on phone.
  • Membership benefits that save your time on every visit all through the navigation.
  • The best benefit with Teleflora is that customers can order 3 months in advance for any occasion in the future.
  • Same-day delivery can save you on unplanned and surprise occasions.
  • Has a team of highly talented artists and partners to give the best designs to our vases and containers.
  • Limited edition 'flowers in a gift' model that leaves the gift that can be reused in multiple ways post the flowers maturity.
  • Do you've to send the same item or different items to multiple addresses, you've that set too for ease of order processing.

Why Flowers fast?

  • Our flowers are artistically arranged in a vase most of the cases and are personally delivered mostly on the same day so as to ensure the item arrives in as expected - fresh and attractive.
  • We understand your financial hurdles and give a special process to pay in multiple pays. Klarna – a method introduced to pay in 4 installments at free interest.
  • Same day delivery on almost all the orders.
  • Premium package to best ensure the flowers arrives in wonderful condition.
  • 'Flowers in a Gift' model thus delivering a keepsake item along with the flowers.
  • Highly passionate, trained and experienced customer service team offering professional support.
  • Teleflora is unique in its flowers and gifts collection.
  • Teleflora is the most referred and most chosen online flowers delivery service provider.

What kind of flowers available?

Teleflora has all different types of flowers for any occasion. Making every occasion more special with a beautifully arranged flowers bouquet that is delivered in hand and on time. Our flowers bouquets are fun, colorful, and attractive and imprint a great impression on the picture or scene.

Unique flowers that are custom designed in to a bouquet based on your occasional needs. We have flowers for every occasion like Birthday, Get well, New baby arrival, Wedding, anniversaries, sympathetic, etc. We’ve vast range of flowers that are affordable and more than worth of each penny spent.

Easy to access portal:

We collected and arranged a huge pile of flowers collection into various categories to best serve your as per your occasion need and make it more memorable. We serve for every occasion like be it an anniversary, birthday, valentines’ day, retirement day, new arrivals, etc., we have flowers covered for every occasion. is very carefully designed so that it would be pretty easy even for those who are not greatly used to online order processing.

Browsing for the flowers is feasible at just a click easily. All talented florists may not be able to maintain a portal and that’s where Teleflora come into picture making it easy for the customers to get the flowers from the best artistic florists. Our portal is highly secured and easy to navigate.

Responsive Customer Support:

All our customer support team is well trained and is passionate in serving the customers with all their abilities. Visitors or customers can get in touch with Teleflora on phone or email provided on or their social platforms. Customers can get to know their order status on the website itself directly or can contact the support team. Teleflora team is also available on the chat over the website.  

Special Offers:

  • Are you all set to buy a flowers gift for your dear ones? You can also get the best online flower delivery promo codes for Teleflora instantly.
  • In addition to the various Teleflora coupons, they also offer special daily deals of the day on different selected bouquets.
  • Students get a special 20% discount at Teleflora portal
  • Corporate gifting is also available at great discounts whose details are made accessible on the portal.
  • Here are a few active Teleflora coupons and promotions to save on your cart:
    • 15% off on site wide purchase, use PLUS 15% OFF.
    • 10% off on orders above $50, use SAVE $10.
    • Deal of the day promotions are available every day based on your purchase preferences.